Google Cloud Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure
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Free Course Google Cloud Fundamentals:
Core Infrastructure introduces important concepts and terminology for working with Google Cloud. Through videos and hands-on labs, this course presents and compares many of Google Cloud's computing and storage services, along with important resource and policy management tools. Syllabus - What you will learn from this courseWEEK 1
2 minutes to complete
Course Introduction
This section welcomes learners to the Google Cloud Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure course, and provides an overview of the course structure and goals.
1 hour to complete
Introducting Google Cloud
This section identifies some of the key benefits of using Google Cloud. It's here that we introduce the components of Google's network infrastructure, and explore the differences between
Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) and Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS).
Cloud computing overview
IaaS and PaaS
The Google Cloud network
Environmental impact
Open source ecosystems
Pricing and billing
1 practice exercise
Introducing Google Cloud
1 hour to complete
Resources and Access in the Cloud
This section explores how resources get organized with projects, and how access to those resources gets shared with the right part of a workforce through a tool called Identity and Access
Management (IAM). It's also in this section that we identify different ways to interact with Google Cloud.
Google Cloud resource hierarchy
Identity and Access Management (IAM)
Service accounts
Cloud Identity
Interacting with Google Cloud
Coursera: Getting Started with Google Cloud Platform and Qwiklabs
1 practice exercise
Resources and Access in Google Cloud
1 hour to complete
Virtual Machines and Networks in the Cloud
This section of the course explores how Google Compute Engine works, with a focus on virtual networking.
Virtual Private Cloud networking
Compute Engine
Scaling virtual machines
Important VPC compatibilities
Cloud Load Balancing
Cloud DNS and Cloud CDN
Connecting networks to Google VPC
1 practice exercise
Quiz: Virtual Machines and Networks in the Cloud
1 hour to complete
Storage in the Cloud
This section of the course showcases Google Cloud’s five core storage products: Cloud Storage, Cloud Bigtable, Cloud SQL, Cloud Spanner, and Firestore.
Google Cloud storage options
Cloud Storage
Cloud Storage: Storage classes and data transfer
Cloud SQL
Cloud Spanner
Cloud Bigtable
Comparing storage options
1 practice exercise
Storage in the Cloud
2 hours to complete
Containers in the Cloud
This section of the course explores containers and how they can be managed with Kubernetes and Google Kubernetes Engine.
Introduction to containers
Google Kubernetes Engine
Hybrid and multi-cloud
1 practice exercise
Containers in the Cloud
1 hour to complete
Applications in the Cloud
The focus of this section of the course is developing applications in the cloud. It's here that we'll explore App Engine, two API management tools–Apigee Edge and Cloud Endpoints–and Cloud Run.
App Engine
App Engine environments
Google Cloud API management tools
Cloud Run
1 practice exercise
Applications in the Cloud
1 hour to complete
Developing and Deploying in the Cloud
This section explores Google Cloud methods for development in the cloud, which includes Cloud
Source Repositories, Cloud Functions, and Terraform. This section also explores deployment with infrastructure as code.
Development in the cloud
Deployment: Infrastructure as Code
1 practice exercise
Developing and Deploying in the Cloud
1 hour to complete
Logging and Monitoring in the Cloud
This section highlights the importance of monitoring performance in relation to product reliability, then moves on to define service level indicators (SLIs), service level objectives (SLOs), and service level agreements (SLAs). It also examines the purpose of integrated monitoring, logging, alerting, and debugging.
The importance of monitoring
Measuring performance and reliability
Understanding SLIs, SLOs, and SLAs
Integrated observability tools
Monitoring tools
Logging tools
Error reporting and debugging tools
1 practice exercise
Logging and Monitoring in the Cloud
5 minutes to complete
Course Summary
In this final section, we review what's been presented in this course and discuss the next steps to continue your cloud learning journey.
Course summary
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