Responsive Web Design

Legacy Responsive Web Design

Free Course Legacy Responsive Web Design by

With this responsive web design course you will learn the languages ​​that developers use to create web pages:

Legacy Responsive Web Design

HTML or hypertext markup language for the content.

CSS or Cascading Style Sheets for the layout.

The course will help you create a cat photo app to learn the basics of CSS and HTML. Later, you will discover more modern techniques such as certain CSS variables by creating a penguin. In the same way, you will carry out very interesting practices related to accessibility by creating a web form.

Finally, you will learn how to create web pages that respond to different screen sizes. Thus, you can design a Twitter card with Flexbox and a complex blog layout with CSS Grid.

This course is offered by freeCodeCamp. This is a non-profit organization that is tax-exempt, as it is funded by donors. Its goal is to help people learn programming for free. To do this, they create different courses, videos and interactive coding articles and make them available to you for free.

All the donations they receive go to different educational initiatives and help pay for services, servers and staff.

Who is the responsive web design course for?

The course is aimed at those students and professionals who wish to specialize in handling web design software. It will be useful for those who want to get into web creation projects to carve out a professional career.

For this reason, it is of interest to layout designers, digital creatives, advertising designers...

It is not necessary to have any prior knowledge, but experience in programming other types of language will help you. Even so, if you are a beginner in this world, you can resort to other programming courses and thus learn to use the code on the web.

To carry it out, you must have a good level of English, since the course is taught in this language (see free English courses). In addition, you will need to have a computer with a stable Internet connection to be able to take the course content online.

On the other hand, some browser extensions like dark mode and ad blocker can get in the way. If you have problems, it is recommended to disable them while taking the course.

What will you learn in the responsive web design course?

The organization freeCodeCamp teaches you to program for free and some courses have a certification. You can do it at your own pace and you will have all the necessary materials and resources.

 The topics to be covered throughout the course are:

º Basic HTML and HTML5 (28 lessons). It is a markup language that uses a syntax to describe the structure of a web page in the browser.

º Basic CSS (44 lessons). It tells the browser how to display text and other content written in HTML. With CSS you can control the color, size, font, spacing and other aspects.

º Applied visual design (52 lessons). It is a combination of typography, graphics, color, animation, design…

º Applied accessibility (22 lessons). Web content and applied interface. Includes people with mobility, cognitive, visual or hearing disabilities.

º Principles of responsive web design (4 lessons). You can access the web through different devices. This way you make sure to respond to every screen size, orientation and resolution.

º CSS flex box (17 lessons). Ideal for creating dynamic user interfaces that shrink and expand automatically.

º CSS Grid (22 lessons). It makes it easy to create complex responsive layouts.

º Responsive web design projects: create a tribute page, survey form, landing page, technical documentation, personal portfolio.

Access the first course

Our task is to centralize the largest number of courses, training, tutorials, videos to make it easier for you to search when you want to train.
Generally, we incorporate those that are free, but if we find some interesting ones that are paid, we add them so that your training is more profitable and professional.
Keep training yourself to become a better professional or simply for personal achievements, cheer up, don't give up and go ahead !!!.
Good luck !!! The team of: